Welcome to A Step Above’s Dynasty Program! Please take a moment to review our policies for a smooth and enjoyable experience.
- Tuition ensures quality training and proper studio operation, making timely payments crucial.
- All tuition is due on or before the 1st of each month.
- Prioritize tuition invoices over other payments.
- Tuition is calculated annually. We then take that cost and spread it across the pre-season and regular season. We divide that number by the number of months is each season to ensure manageable payments for our clients.
- No extra charges for months with 5 weeks, no discounts for 2-week months.
- No credit transfers unless for charitable purposes, provided the first student isn’t dropping classes.
- All payments to the studio are non-refundable and non-exchangeable, including full-year payments.
- December tuition due by December 5th; May tuition due by May 5th.
- Failure to pay on time will affect participation in classes and events.
- No refunds for prior purchases.
- Registration fee and class reservation forfeited upon withdrawal.
- Exceptions for illness or injury with proper documentation.
- To withdraw: Email – AStepAboveDS96@gmail.com stating the student’s full name you would like to withdraw, the reason for withdrawing, and the effective date.
- In case of pandemic-related closure, classes switch to virtual format.
- No discounts or refunds for virtual classes.
- After the 5th, tuition is considered late, incurring a $20.00 fee per student.
- By the 10th, unpaid balance results in class exclusion until resolved.
- End of the month non-payment may lead to dismissal.
- Auto-draft form required to be kept on file for all Dynasty students or pay session in full.
- Pay online through emailed invoice, cash (no change on-site), or credit/debit card.
- Returned check incurs a $35 fee; participation resumes upon payment.
Please pay attention to flow of traffic in our parking lot. There are semi trucks that need to be able to make deliveries to Dollar General next door. They need to be able to get through and back up to the rear of their building. If your car is in the way, it is at risk for getting hit and we do not want this to happen. Additionally, if you park too close to our building, our instructors have a difficult time getting into and out of their parking spots up front. Please make sure you leave enough room for them to park safely. We also want to leave a drive through area available for people to be able to drop off/pick up their students by the front corner of building (by the cement block). Please make sure you are paying attention and driving safely in our parking lot at all times.
We do not allow students to sit outside to wait for pick up. For the safety of all students, please park and come inside to retrieve your student!
- Please park out in front of the building.
- Please do not park in any space near the building, as these spaces are for our instructors only and Sweet Cherry Arcade customers.
- Please do not park or wait for your student in the handicap parking space as we have patrons who need to use it.
For the safety of your child, a parent must remain in the building with any child ages 6 and under. Teachers are unable to stop class to take your child to the restroom or for illness/injury we need parents in the building.
We are proud to offer multiple class, sibling, and full year payment discounts! We also offer a referral bonus for students/families who refer students to A Step Above, the best part is there is no limit on the bonus! Contact us for more information!
In case of inclement weather please check:
- Facebook Page www.facebook.com/astepabovedancestudio
- Tune into WLIO and hometownstations.com.
- Be sure you are subscribed to our text alerts!
We do not place cancellations on the studio phone. If schools are cancelled please do not think that we automatically cancel too, please check before coming to your class.
If A Step Above cancels class for weather, etc., classes we will have 5 calamity days. These classes will not be made up unless an instructor chooses too. After we have surpassed our 5 calamity days, classes will be rescheduled to be made-up around the instructor’s schedule.
All weather cancellations will be posted on the studio Facebook page, WLIO, and a text alert will be sent by 2:30 p.m. as weather can change and we want to assure that we need to cancel classes. Occasionally we will dismiss early if the weather gets bad while we are at the studio, we try to give our families 45 minutes notice if we plan on doing this.
Depending upon the calendar, A Step Above will be closed for the following holidays: Labor Day, Memorial Day, Studio Spring break (TBA), Fourth of July, local Trick-Or-Treat, Thanksgiving and Christmas. These classes will not be made up.
As consistency is imperative for progress it is encouraged that all students attend all classes regularly and be on time.
- Excessive unexcused absences (more than 4) and tardiness will not be tolerated and will result in dismissal from class.
- Students may not come to class if they are showing any symptoms of illness, that includes but is not limited to a fever, rash, cough, vomiting, or diarrhea.
- Students should be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication before returning to class.
- In case of an absence, please call the studio at 419 222-7223 to inform the instructor. Do NOT text or private message your child’s teacher. All absences need to be reported through the studio phone.
- Please note dancers MUST be in attendance the 6 weeks prior to our annual recital. POOR ATTENDANCE CAN RESULT IN YOUR CHILD NOT BEING PERMITTED TO PERFORM IN OUR ANNUAL RECITAL.
One of our dance moms, Amber LaPointe in the coordinator for all of our studio fundraisers. She is in charge of planning the fundraisers and communicating all information. Whenever you would like to get involved in a fundraiser, or have questions about fundraisers we ask that you direct all questions to her. You can find her on facebook as Amber LaPointe, or send her an email at: singing_4_jc@yahoo.com. Fundraisers are a great opportunity to help offset the costs that you incur on your child’s dance account!
Miss is our Office Manager and we encourage you to direct all inquiries and questions to her. If you have questions about tuition, classes, dance wear etc she is the person to ask. Please call her at the studio at 419 222-7223 or see her when you come to dance class.
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